12th February 2017, 41068 x 25mm Yellow Belly released (16086 SIPS Funding & 25000 GCBF Grant)
12th February 2017, 41068 x 25mm Yellow Belly released (16086 SIPS Funding & 25000 GCBF Grant)
10th February 2016, 21820 x 50mm Golden Perch were released throughout the dam, these fish were supplied by Hanwood Fish Hatchery.
4th December 2016, 28846 Barramundi released (15000 from SIPS Funding and 13846 from Family Fishing Classic Profits)
10th February 2016, 21820 x 50mm Golden Perch were released throughout the dam, these fish were supplied by Hanwood Fish Hatchery.
4th December 2016, 28846 Barramundi released (15000 from SIPS Funding and 13846 from Family Fishing Classic Profits)
5th January 2015, 11236 x 55mm Barramundi fingerlings purchased and supplied by GAWB, were released by members around the dam.
28th February 2015, 28000 x 50mm Golden Perch (Yelllowbelly) were released into the dam these fish were supplied by Hanwood Fish Hatchery.
21st November 2015, 15100 x 50-65mm barramundi fingerlings were released in various locations around the dam. We had a great roll up of members to help with the release. The fish were from GAWB purchased through the SIPS program.
12th December 2015, 16270 x 45mm barra fingerlings were released around various parts of the dam, 3 boats and a number of members helped with dispersal. These fish were purchased from funds obtained through our fishing comps so thank you to the supporters of this comp. They were purchased GAWB.
5th January 2015, 11236 x 55mm Barramundi fingerlings purchased and supplied by GAWB, were released by members around the dam.
28th February 2015, 28000 x 50mm Golden Perch (Yelllowbelly) were released into the dam these fish were supplied by Hanwood Fish Hatchery.
21st November 2015, 15100 x 50-65mm barramundi fingerlings were released in various locations around the dam. We had a great roll up of members to help with the release. The fish were from GAWB purchased through the SIPS program.
12th December 2015, 16270 x 45mm barra fingerlings were released around various parts of the dam, 3 boats and a number of members helped with dispersal. These fish were purchased from funds obtained through our fishing comps so thank you to the supporters of this comp. They were purchased GAWB.
30th January 2014, 16000 x 50mm Barramundi fingerlings purchased from GAWB were released.
23rd February 2014, 26880 x 50mm Yellowbelly fingerlings purchased through Hanwood Fish Hatchery were released. On both occasions members were present to help distribute the fish to various locations around the dam.
The grow out pond was drained early this year in the hope that the mature adult Saratoga had done their thing to produce more fingerlings. But this was not case for what ever reasons unknown to us. All the adult were then released into Lake Callide to hopefully reproduce in that environment.
30th January 2014, 16000 x 50mm Barramundi fingerlings purchased from GAWB were released.
23rd February 2014, 26880 x 50mm Yellowbelly fingerlings purchased through Hanwood Fish Hatchery were released. On both occasions members were present to help distribute the fish to various locations around the dam.
The grow out pond was drained early this year in the hope that the mature adult Saratoga had done their thing to produce more fingerlings. But this was not case for what ever reasons unknown to us. All the adult were then released into Lake Callide to hopefully reproduce in that environment.
2nd February, 15000 x 50mm Barramundi purchased from GAWB released.
2nd February, 16200 Yellowbelly supplied from Hanwood Hatchery released.
22nd February, 336 Sleepy Cod supplied from Chuan Huat Farm purchased and released.
2nd February, 16200 Yellowbelly supplied from Hanwood Hatchery released.
22nd February, 336 Sleepy Cod supplied from Chuan Huat Farm purchased and released.
5th January, 18600 x 50mm Barramundi purchased from GAWB were released.
11th February, Grow out pond drained to reveal 43 x 230 Saratoga fingerlings in the harvest pit, these were quickly released into the dam. The 6 adult fish were released into the dam also.
17th March, 15092 x 50mm Yellowbelly fingerlings were purchased from Hanwood Fish Hatchery were successfully released into the dam.
11th February, Grow out pond drained to reveal 43 x 230 Saratoga fingerlings in the harvest pit, these were quickly released into the dam. The 6 adult fish were released into the dam also.
17th March, 15092 x 50mm Yellowbelly fingerlings were purchased from Hanwood Fish Hatchery were successfully released into the dam.
29th January, 7000 x 100mm and 4000 x 50mm Barramundi from GAWB released.
5th February, 20000 x 50mm Yellowbelly from Hanwood Fish Hatchery released.
22nd February, 126 x 180mm Saratoga were released around the dam purchased from Andrew Newton.
1st March, 6 Adult Saratoga fish were purchased and released into the grow out pond to see we could product any fingerlings.
5th February, 20000 x 50mm Yellowbelly from Hanwood Fish Hatchery released.
22nd February, 126 x 180mm Saratoga were released around the dam purchased from Andrew Newton.
1st March, 6 Adult Saratoga fish were purchased and released into the grow out pond to see we could product any fingerlings.
9th January, 20000 x 50mm Yellowbelly from Hanwood Fish Hatchery released.
21st February, 9000 x 70mm Barramundi from Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) released.
27th February, 101 Saratoga of various sizes from 'Gyranda Pastoral Company' released.
27th March, 180 x 200mm Barramundi from Richard Tan were released.
21st February, 9000 x 70mm Barramundi from Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) released.
27th February, 101 Saratoga of various sizes from 'Gyranda Pastoral Company' released.
27th March, 180 x 200mm Barramundi from Richard Tan were released.
17th January, 43720 Yellowbelly were delivered from Hanwood Fish Hatchery and released at various sites around the dam.
27th February, 104 Saratoga were purchased from 'Gyranda Pastoral Company'.
8th March, 1300 x 300mm Barramundi were purchased from Richard Tan and released.
27th February, 104 Saratoga were purchased from 'Gyranda Pastoral Company'.
8th March, 1300 x 300mm Barramundi were purchased from Richard Tan and released.